Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Did you ever wish your a superhero? I mean you know flying around saving people's lives and what not? Well, maybe not flying and saving everyone, just doing some acts of heroism? I know I did. Well actually, I think I cant do it as if its just my job, sans the title of the blog..

Too much cartoons and superhero movies make me think..I think I should stop watching those. lol.

Anyways, just saw Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer and I can say it rocks! I mean I love how they protrayed Galactus' herald... Sure it has loopholes on plot itself but c'mon, which superhero movie doesnt have one? It very much lived to my expectations at least.. Better than the first one for sure.. Some say its better than Spider-man 3 but I dont buy that too.. Those movies have good things in thier own right.. The only complain I got for Spider-man was about Venom.. His story was hurriedly done and hurriedly finished too! aside from that, I think it was a good 3rd time for Mr. Raimi..

Now I cant wait for Transformers The movie! seing Optimus Prime and Bumblebee on the big screen? what more can you ask for!

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